Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bob Barker Sighting

Bob Barker was on Ellen this morning prior to Price is Right - they showed some clips of crazy contestants over the years. One was of a woman who was called to "come on down" and tube tops were in fashion. In the excitement to "come on down" she also "came on out" of her top. Just kind of funny clips of how neurotic some contestants have been over the years. The conversation touched on who might replace Bob when he retires. I can't believe that The Price has been on as long as I've been alive. It's still such a good show. Speaking of the show, today's contestants were not very good at all! The young woman in the showcase showdown won today - her showcase included 3 different trips - Chicago, Holland, and China. All three are week long trips - how is she going to be able to take 3 plus weeks off? Then again, maybe she's still in college and has more time than I can imagine.

I talked to my niece Alex tonight - she has given up tv watching Monday - Thursday for Lent. I reassured her that I was watching enough for the both of us. I think she thought it was kind of funny. As funny as Aunt Debbie can be.

Today may be a 2 Vicodin day. The swelling in my foot has gone down I think and now I can actually feel sensations around the ankle. Not the greatest feeling in the world, but feels like it's healing.

That's it for today. Does everyone have their brackets done for the tourney? Feel free to check in with me if you need to know the scores - I'm sure I'll be watching!

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