Monday, December 24, 2007

Review: Drew Carey on The Price is Right

Now that I finally have some time off work for the holidays, the first order of business was to watch TPIR with the new host - Drew Carey.

I sat down today and watched the "Christmas Eve" show. I actually like Drew Carey for the most part. I liked watching "The Drew Carey Show" when it used to be on tv. However, after one episode I can definitively proclaim - he's just not Bob. He seemed rather dry and didn't show much emotion either way when the contestant won or lost. He seemed rather awkward much of the time. He did show some life when 2 of the 3 contestants in the first wheel spin got $1,000. That was about it. He's just missing the Barker charisma.

Given that I'm off of work all week though, I will give him another couple of viewings and will let you know if my opinion changes.

I still can get rather excited about the showcase showdown - with or without Bob. Today was sad - both contestants overbid. One of the guys had a fairly specific dollar amount. When it was all said and done he was over by only $74. Sadly that and $1.25 will buy him a cup of coffee.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

2 Hours, 20 Minutes

That is how long it took me to drive 28 miles in a snow storm home from work today. Thankfully I was patient and didn't get too aggravated. Just glad I got home in one piece with no scratches or dings to the Jeep. We have gotten about 10 inches of snow since Saturday. More snow is forecasted on Thursday and over the weekend. Last year we didn't have our first inch of snow until December 31st. Oh well. That's life in the winter wonderland of the north.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Almost 9 Months To the Day - Another Big Snow

We are in the middle of a big snow storm today - almost exactly 9 months since our last big snow. Might I remind you of what happened on that day - snap, crackle, pop! I can say that I am safely tucked in the house tonight.

We did venture out into the snow today though. We, after all, can't be slowed down too much by the white stuff. We went to a shoe store where I bought a pair of boots. They are broken in already. Nice and warm and seem to handle well on the snow. We also tried a Malaysian restaurant for lunch. It was pretty good and nice to warm up on a very cold day. We also checked out a couple of art sales in the metro area.

We've had anywhere between 4-6 inches of snow. No warm up in sight, so I think this snow will be around for a bit. It's -2 right now with the wind chill. I just take it slow, avoid shoveling, and Steve walks with me. :)

All in all, my ankle seems to be pretty good. It still swells up quite a bit depending on the day. I had dinner a few weeks ago with a former co-worker who had broken her ankle 4 years ago. She said she had swelling well over a year later. Guess I've got a few more months to go.

Work is finally slowing down a bit, so I hope to get back in the groove of blogging more often. Hope all is well!