Tuesday, November 6, 2007

If it wasn't for Steve...

I'd have very few comments on my postings. He got a little carried away on my last posting. I'm adding this one to mainly give him a new post to which he can comment.

Things are extremely busy at work these days, so I don't have much time for getting on here and blogging. I see the faint glimmer of light from the proverbial "end of the tunnel" - so after this month I hope to get back to Debbie's Discourse on a regular basis.

In the meantime, know that I am 1-7 now in my Fantasy Football league. I finally have a win! Of coure the guy I beat had 4 players that had byes that week so he wasn't managing the team very well. Sad...I barely beat him too! Steve wondered how much my nephew paid his friend off to let me win that game. :)

Hope all is well!