Friday, May 4, 2007

Friday Night Musings

Interesting...I'm now back at work and super busy, but I have less interesting things to post on the blog than I did with the Price is Right mumbo, jumbo. I don't want to talk about work too much. I've heard of people who were fired after blogging about work. Don't need that to happen!

The ankle is still coming along. Last night I really worked on exercising it and keeping it elevated. Steve came in the room and said it was the smallest he had seen my foot since before the accident. So, the swelling is trying to come down. My physical therapist thinks I should still walk some with one crutch so I don't injure my back or some other area by walking funny. I may have to borrow my mom's cane (from her knee surgeries) for when I'm back in regular shoes.

Speaking of my parents...they are finally getting up here for a visit next week. I told them if they didn't come by the 15th, they would have missed out on all of the ankle recovery process (the 15th is when I hopefully get out of the boot). Sadly, I will always have evidence of this unfortunate chapter of my life - these scars will be my "badge of honor."

The end of May sees me taking my first trip on a plane since before the fall. I'm heading to Phoenix to visit Beth & Jenni. We were supposed to go to Phoenix the end of March (when going to Phoenix makes more sense!) I messed up those plans and thankfully Jenni was willing to change her flights and go when I could too. I'm a little anxious about the airport, but I'll just allow extra time. Hey, maybe I'll get to board early - for those people who need extra time to board.

Well, thus ends my Friday Night is now time for my daily dose of Friends and Scrubs reruns. If it's a really late night, Bernie Mac reruns come on - then I can do some major chillaxin.

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