Friday, August 24, 2007

Crooked Foot

I've determined that when my foot was "relocated" from its dislocated position, it was positioned crooked. I've noticed for some time that in a normal standing position, my right foot angles ever so slightly to the right. Tonight at the gym I noticed that I have a big gap between my big toe and the next one. The spacing is just not there on the left foot. If you look at the picture to the right from when I first got back to being on my feet - you can you see that there is a larger space. At the time I figured it was due to swelling. Now I'm not so sure. My toes don't seem to lay as flat on the ground as my left ones.

Of course this is probably all in my head, but it sure seems like my right foot just wasn't screwed on right. ;)

Side note: I just saw an advertisement for Kid Nation that is a "reality" show starting in September. It's been in the news recently for talk about it being harmful to the kids, etc. The premise is that they put this group of kids together and they form their own town, government, rules, etc. No parents involved. The main person complaining is the parent of one of the kids. I guess there were a few dangerous situations - ingesting of bleach being one of them. I'm sorry, but what did the parents expect when they signed their kid up for this. They obviously wanted their kid to have 15 minutes of fame. I'm not saying that they don't have a right to complain. Bleach is pretty serious - thankfully no one was hurt. The entire premise is ridiculous! Anyhoo...


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should have the exrays looked at again.

Anonymous said...

As you get older some imperfections start showing up. I should know.
What does the doctor say?