Saturday, March 31, 2007
Mother Knows Best
She also wanted me to comment more on the electric carts that I've used at grocery stores. I did post more details about that in Electric Carts and Other Things . I did notice that when you are in a cart at a lower level you see products you don't normally see. I also noticed that sweetened cereal tends to be on lower shelves - eye level for kids!
That's it for tonight!
Recommendations and Miscellaneous Items
We actually went to the grocery store and ran a few errands today. I stayed in the car for everything but the grocery store. I did get an electric cart for that trip. One of our errands was to a sporting goods store. Steve bought me a pair of weightlifting gloves to use with my crutches. I'm getting some ugly looking callouses on the palms of my hand and am hopeful that the gloves will help. They make me look pretty cool if I do say so myself. If anyone reading this ever has to use crutches, I'd recommend getting a pair of gloves like this. The nice thing is the fingers are cut out, so you don't lose any tactile ability.
I've been watching the Final Four tonight. Go Ohio State! I'm back in 3rd place in my pool. I need Florida to win the second game and then Ohio State to win it all. I then should be in 2nd place and will win a little cash. :)
Steve's grandmother emailed me with a scoop on Price is Right. She read in a magazine that Mario Lopez has been tapped to replace Bob Barker. She did say you can't always believe what the "rags" say, but I have heard he's one of the top contenders for the job. We'll see what happens.
Go Buckeyes!
Blue Man Group
We got to the arena early in order to see if we could switch our tickets for handicap seats. Thankfully we were able to. The only downside was the walk to that section was further away than our original seats. But being able to have space and put my leg on a chair was worth it!
There were a couple of people in wheel chairs that had foot injuries as well. I was wishing I had a wheel chair at that time. I'm thinking having one at work would be awfully nice. :) I guess in a little over a week I should be able to walk a little on my foot.
The concert was pretty good. Our seats ended up being pretty awesome. We were center stage - although at the back of the arena. We had a talkative usher that was pretty funny at times. He was telling us about cleaning up the floor seats after the concert and said that the country western concerts are the worst. 5% of the people that attend are already drunk. Lots of beer bottles/cups to pick up afterward.
I thought I had walked a lot on Thursday - that was nothing compared to last night. Even with handicap parking, it still was quite a walk from the ramp, through the arena and then to our seats. My shoulders and arms are quite sore today! You just don't realize how hard it is for handicapped persons until you become one. I promise from here on out - I will always give extra space, get out of the way, help if I can to any handicap person I can!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wheelchairs - Great Invention!
We then stopped by an art gallery to see a new exhibit - thankfully they had wheelchairs that you could use. Ahhhh...sweet, sweet wheelchairs. The only downside was I had to try to navigate the bathroom with the wheelchair - doors just aren't made to open from a seated position. Some of the time I wheeled myself, some of the time Steve did it. He had fun at my expense - he pushed me to the water fountain and in the middle of my drink he pulled me backwards. I drooled all over myself. Steve had a good laugh, so I guess that's what counts.
I was worn out after today! I'm now just sitting in my chair for the remainder of the night.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Getting Out and About
Today I rode along with Steve on a few errands. We learned that in our state you get new license plates after 7 years. So, we have new plates for one of our cars. I then spent a little quiet time at a coffee shop while Steve went to the gym. It was such a good mood lifter for me.
Last week I mentioned in Next Leg of the Journey (pun intended) that I needed to get used to the boot cast. Thankfully I have finally reached that stage. I do take it off at least twice a day and let it and my foot air out, but otherwise I have it on and am not finding it as uncomfortable as last week. Granted, I'll still be glad to have it off in May, but for now I've grown accustomed to the thing.
I'm making plans to return to work on a part-time basis next week. 2 half days. I think I'm ready to put my mind on something besides whether the guitar is higher or lower than the sofa set, or whether it's a better strategy to put the Plinko chip down the middle or to one of the sides in order to hit the $10,000 slot. In my rediscovery of the Price is Right, I have learned that a woman at work is going to be on the April 4th show next week. I'm definitely going to watch that one! For those of you that are Price fans, I believe Bob Barker's last show will be June 11th - something like that.
Stay safe!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
What a Difference 3 Weeks Makes
All in all, I'm doing much better with my ankle. I'm getting more movement in my foot and am able to sit for an hour or so without the boot on - let the boot and my foot breathe a bit. I'm getting out a little bit more and getting acclimated to the world again. Sunday I actually sat outside for a little while to breathe in the fresh air (with only a hint of smoke occasionally - see pictures of fire in earlier posting.)
My foot still pretty much looks like the picture in the link to the right. I can't imagine how I'll ever be able to get into a regular shoe again, but I guess that doesn't matter until mid-May anyway!
Steve's still managing to put up with me and keep up around the house - kudos to him!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
TV Commercials
I've just been watching the basketball games this afternoon. Thank goodness Ohio State won - I'm still in the running for the pool! For those of you who watch the games or much tv at all, I'd like to comment on a few of the commercials. Some of which were Superbowl ads, but some I think are newer.
Rock, paper, scissors - Bud Light commercial: For some reason, I think this commercial is hilarious. It's rather mean, but a good one. "I threw a rock." It reminds me of the commercial last year that had 2 guys in a locker room talking about a cell phone and one said it had a theft deterrent feature. He then gets the other guy to reach for it and then throws it at the guy as the deterrent. Hmmmm, maybe this says something about my mental state.
Convertible ads - there are 3 out right now, but the one that I find myself watching each time is one with a woman wearing a blouse and black skirt. She questions "Stan" about getting a convertible and then says he'll next want an "amp" and then she gives a "rock 'n roll" hand gesture. Strikes me as funny.
Sonic breakfast burrito: Two guys in a car talking about one's grumbling stomach who's named Charley and he'd be gone if the guy eats the burrito. These are the guys that last year had a tatertot commercial that cracked me up. "Don't even go there with that weak tot action. You've got to go strong, or not at all." Anyway, I don't really like the current one, but wanted to talk about the tatertot commercial.
Powerade Option: a woman is lifting weights, one arm has 10 pounds, one has 50 pounds and is obviously a man's arm. That one creeps me out.
OK, enough commercials. Maybe I need to read more!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Ordering Steve Around
The main person I rely on at the present time is Steve. He's been great about making meals, helping me with my boot cast, taking care of stuff around the house, getting groceries, etc. This morning Steve brought me a yogurt for breakfast. After a little while I asked if he could get me a hot tea as well. I could sense the frustration and I said "Steve, there's nothing I can do but order you around." That really is what it's come down to. That at least made him chuckle. He took some dishes that I had on my nightstand downstairs. I then heard him say "I feel like a freakin' dishwasher jockey." Now I had to laugh!
He really is dealing well with this new role for him. Some of you know that he has been taking classes lately. The other day he said he didn't know he had signed up for "Burden 101" this semester. It's this sense of humor that has made the last 3 weeks bearable.
He does get a break this evening as a couple of women that I used to work with have invited me to hang out at one of their houses tonight for a change of pace.
Quick update on my tournament bracket - I'm in 2nd place in the pool that I'm in. Luckily Ohio State pulled out the win last night! We'll see how the rest of the weekend does for me.
Well, Price is getting ready to start, so I think I'll close. Speaking of Price, I found out that a woman I know at work is going to be on the April 4th Price is Right. That'll be fun to watch.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Updated Pictures
Steve took a couple of pictures tonight. One of my foot in the Boot Cast and one of my foot out of it. The links are to the right of this post under "Interesting Links." The picture of my foot is not for the squeamish - just be forewarned.
The last link, "My Broken Leg Website," is a website I found tonight. It has stories from a lot of people who have broken a leg or ankle and have nothing but time to kill while recovering. I spent probably about 45 minutes exploring it myself.
Couch Potato Update
I've been doing some reading, lots of internet surfing, checking email, crossword puzzles, watching movies and tv. I watched Office Space again over the weekend - seriously - it's hilarious! I also watched Groundhog Day the other day, another cute movie. Most of the rest of the weekend was spent with basketball games on in the background. It was touch and go for awhile, but by the time the Sweet 16 was set, I was tied for 2nd place in the pool I'm in this year. Go Buckeyes!
Still watching the Price is Right if I can ( and sometimes Family Feud ( It's just not the same without Richard Dawson. Anyway, today on Price - there was this woman named Margie who was so excited to be called to come on down that Bob had to ask her if she was hyperventilating. She then was playing to win a car and told Bob that she was scared to win because she was afraid she'd hurt him. She seriously was nuts - she ended up losing the car but winning the showcase showdown. Bob stayed back when he announced her as the winner - I think he was frightened.
I haven't been watching Oprah ( all of the time, but I am watching it right now. It's Oprah and Gayle's roadtrip - this is a repeat, but given I normally am still at work, it's new to me. It's on all week and it's hilarious!
Well, back to nothing.....
Next Leg of the Journey (pun intended)
Anyway, the staples weren't as bad as I expected. The physician assistant who removed them indicated that it would be uncomfortable but not as bad as the pain I've gone through over the last couple of weeks. Point well taken. It was just nice to get them out of my skin!
I was put into a walking cast - it looks like a cross between a Stormtrooper boot and a ski boot. I'll put it up on my site once I get a picture of it. Anyway, the beauty of this contraption is that I can actually take it off if I have an itch or muscle cramp. I'm to leave it on as much as possible, but can take it off to shower or scratch an itch. I am not walking on it for another 3 weeks. At that point I'll have it on for another 5 weeks, but I'll walk with it. Yesterday it sounded good, by last night I was dreading the next 8 weeks! Today it's working out ok, I just hope I get used to it soon.
Things seem to be healing well. The doctor did say that he's keeping me off of my foot for a little longer because females tend to have more fragile bones and when he was in there during the surgery he could tell the bones were a little weaker. Guess milk is going to be a new favorite drink for me! Thank goodness for Yoplait Thick & Creamy yogurt.
I'm out of work for the next few weeks and then will go back with Steve's help. I won't be driving until the boot is off - I'm guessing mid-May! The doctor said that within 6 months I'd be back to normal - 6 months??? Seriously, it was a 1 second fall that will cost me 6 months in recovery. I'm moving south - forget this ice/snow stuff. I'm no longer a fan!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Electric Carts and Other Things
Today we went to the grocery store - big day out for Debbie! I'm getting pretty good at the electric carts. They zip around the store pretty well. I almost knocked down a display - but only once. The only bad thing about the cart I was on is there still really isn't any place to rest my foot - but it sure beats walking around the store on crutches! The carts go forward or reverse. I try to avoid the reverse feature if at all possible because it makes that lovely "beep, beep, beep." Steve enjoys making that sound as I back into the car when we do go out.
It's interesting being out in public with my cast and crutches. Lots of stares from people. Today at the store I had 2 people comment on my toes being cold. It's just too hard to keep a sock on my toes with the cast and all. It is a little chilly out there today, but really I can't feel my toes all that much so the cold doesn't bother them. I find that the people who talk to me are usually on the older side. I'm much more comfortable with their comments than those closer to my age. Maybe it's because the older people tend to move a little slower and I feel more comfortable with that pace right now.
So, how are everyone's brackets going for the tournament? I'm doing ok in the pool I'm in, but we'll see how today goes. One of the highlights of my emails over the last few days was one from Steve's grandmother. It simply read "I'll bet you didn't have Duke losing in the first round!" Loved it! She was absolutely right - although I can't say I was too sad by their loss. I just can't get behind Duke - goes back to the Christian Laettner days I think. I will say the Duke campus is absolutely beautiful though. Steve and I were there a few years ago when we added North and South Carolina to our list of states.
I've been Vicodin free for about three days now. We'll see if I can go the whole day today. After leaving the grocery store I thought for sure I'd be taking one, but now that I'm back in my little cocoon upstairs I'm feeling better.
One last thing - we bought a bag of dark chocolate at the store today. Steve and I have agreed that it will be kept up here with me. We'll see how long it lasts out of Steve's sight.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Odds & Ends
I asked Steve to get me something today and his response was "what is your leg broken?" He fancies himself a funny guy. Actually he does make me laugh so I guess that's good.
Steve and I went out for dinner to a local Mexican restaurant - Theresa's. It was nice to get out for a change. I almost didn't get to go as it started snowing right before we were going to leave and Steve almost refused to take me. He said that if I fell and broke the other leg he was going to put me in a home until I healed. Luckily, it stopped snowing quickly and it's been warm so the ground was just wet. Just nice to get out!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Bob Barker Sighting
I talked to my niece Alex tonight - she has given up tv watching Monday - Thursday for Lent. I reassured her that I was watching enough for the both of us. I think she thought it was kind of funny. As funny as Aunt Debbie can be.
Today may be a 2 Vicodin day. The swelling in my foot has gone down I think and now I can actually feel sensations around the ankle. Not the greatest feeling in the world, but feels like it's healing.
That's it for today. Does everyone have their brackets done for the tourney? Feel free to check in with me if you need to know the scores - I'm sure I'll be watching!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Memento and Other Thoughts
Another movie that I find is very entertaining if you're in the right mood is "Office Space." The first time I saw it - hated it! Then last year I was home sick one day and with nothing else to do I decided to watch it again. Hilarious!! I've now watched it at least one other time when I was sick. Maybe it's just a sick day kind of movie. Anyway - it's definitely on my list of movies to watch while I'm out of work.
By the way, I finished the book I started yesterday - would definitely recommend it. I've got some others to start and if they are worthy of making the blog I'll include them.
Price is Right Update - only 1 out of 6 players today won their game! Not a good day for the contestants. I've noticed that the younger the player, the worse their guess is for the showcase showdown. Today a young woman guessed $27,000 on a showcase that included a dining room set, a snowcone maker cart, and a baby grand piano. I would have said around $16,000 - the correct amount was $17,000 (something like that). Anyway.....
Steve brought home a pizza from Figaro's in Burnsville. If anyone has a Figaro's near them, it is great pizza and I would definitely recommend trying them!
Ankle pain today was at a minimum - it was only a 1 Vicodin day!
More later.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Toe Shines and Chocolate
So the problem with the surgery is that it has left this orange glow on my toes that stick out from my cast. (some kind of antibacterial stuff) It's been bugging me for awhile, but given that I can't reach those toes easily with a cast on my leg I've let it stay. I've also been hesitant to ask Steve to clean them - I mean seriously, who really wants to touch someone else's foot that hasn't seen soap in a week (I have to cover the foot when I shower). Those of you who know me, know that I have a thing about socks, feet, etc. Anyway, we picked up some Ponds facial wipes at Target and I talked Steve into cleaning my toes. (They were seriously orange - like fingers get when you eat Cheetos.) He made some reference to giving me a "toe shine" (vs. shoe shine) and graciously agreed. Still have an orangish tint, but much better!
Second item has to be about the bag of Lindor's truffles my sister-in-law and family sent me. I made Steve leave the bag up by me (but across the room) so that they might last until tomorrow. There is a missing bag of chocolates downstairs that my friend Jenni sent me that I'm sure I'd find the empty package in Steve's office. I do believe that Steve checked on me quite a few extra times today just in order to pick up another chocolate. I finally got up on my crutches at one point and hid a few of them so I could have them later. Seriously, who takes candy from a cripple? Steve does - that's who! Now it's dinner time and when I asked Steve about it he says "Debbie, we've been eating all afternoon!" No, he's been eating all afternoon, I've only had 2 of the chocolates! He did bring me a fruit cup which has helped. By 7:00, I'm going to insist he make me something.
On a different note, I've started reading a pretty good book "When Charlotte Comes Home" by Maureen Millea Smith. So far so good! Also proof that I haven't been watching Judge Matthias and Montel all day. I will say that I got the scoop on Regis' heart bypass surgery first hand this morning.
Oh - and a few people have asked about me and the NCAA tourney. I'm definitely doing a bracket with my friends in Arizona. My only fear is that I will totally blow one part of the bracket by having Illinois go at least to the second round of games. I just can't diss my alma mater and not at least pick them to win one game. I need to work on the rest of the bracket - guess I should do that soon. Oh yeah, I have all day tomorrow on the couch to work on it too!
Bye for now.
A Snow Day Can Change Everything
Steve managed to get me into the back of the Jeep and attempted to get me to the ER. However, as I mentioned, we had just started shoveling and we had over a foot of snow. Even in the Jeep we kept getting stuck. Steve finally called 911 and they sent out an ambulance AND the Fire & Rescue Truck to get me out of our driveway. About an hour and a half or so after the initial fall I was in an ambulance getting the first few mgs of Morphine!
I spent that Friday in the ER in Burnsville with a good friend of mine - Tracy! I can't describe how great it was to see her show up there while Steve continued to try and get out of the driveway. After getting my foot back in alignment and doing some x-rays, I was finally on my way home that evening with instructions to see an orthopedic specialist on Monday.
The Monday appointment was what we expected - surgery was needed. My ankle was broken most spectacularly in 3 places.
On Wednesday I had surgery to put in several screws and a plate in my ankle. I had the greatest nurse - Nancy. Nothing too memorable about that day as much of it was spent "out of it."
Steve has been great about waiting on me hand and foot (pun intended). I think he secretly is enjoying getting to run the show!
Now I've come to the Monday after surgery (3/12). I'm out of work for a few weeks, on crutches for 4 weeks and total recovery time of 8-12 weeks. I've got a lot of time ahead of me to rest, read, and watch tv. Steve and I went out for lunch and to get my handicap parking sticker. I'm getting around pretty well considering I'm on crutches and have a huge cast on my foot that weighs at least 50 pounds. OK, probably not that much, but it's heavy.
On our drive home I was telling him how I would have won both showcases on the Price is Right today because my guess for the winning showcase was within $250 of the actual retail price of the showcase that won! I explained this to him with the intensity one might tell their spouse when they've discovered a cure for cancer or something else very important. It was then that I realized it might be fun to blog about the various things I encounter on my road to recovery.
I'm spending a lot of time off of my feet and am getting to know a lot about various infomercials that will help you lose weight or at least make your cooking time more efficient - who doesn't love the Magic Bullet! It was sad today when I realized that I was stuck on a channel watching an infomercial about a guy who had a hair transplant and the success he's had with it. As most of you know, I will never, ever need a hair transplant!
I'm bummed about the various things I'll be missing over the next couple of months - trips to see friends, training for the 2-day Avon Breast Cancer Walk, and the walk itself with my sister. But, I get to hang out at home and be forced to rest and relax - not a total bad thing. I'll be the one who is actually able to watch all of the NCAA tourney starting this Thursday (without costing my employer money)!
So, that is what is going on in the world of Debbie right now. I'll keep posting about the various things I encounter and you can read, not read, whatever. It's called Debbie's Discourse, but we could also call it the "keep Debbie semi-sane blog."
Stay Safe!