Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Getting Out and About

My convalescence is going well. I can tell I'm starting to feel better as I am back to my "gotta get out of the house once a day" mentality. Yesterday was for a Dairy Queen run - broken ankle, ice cream, calcium - makes sense. :)

Today I rode along with Steve on a few errands. We learned that in our state you get new license plates after 7 years. So, we have new plates for one of our cars. I then spent a little quiet time at a coffee shop while Steve went to the gym. It was such a good mood lifter for me.

Last week I mentioned in Next Leg of the Journey (pun intended) that I needed to get used to the boot cast. Thankfully I have finally reached that stage. I do take it off at least twice a day and let it and my foot air out, but otherwise I have it on and am not finding it as uncomfortable as last week. Granted, I'll still be glad to have it off in May, but for now I've grown accustomed to the thing.

I'm making plans to return to work on a part-time basis next week. 2 half days. I think I'm ready to put my mind on something besides whether the guitar is higher or lower than the sofa set, or whether it's a better strategy to put the Plinko chip down the middle or to one of the sides in order to hit the $10,000 slot. In my rediscovery of the Price is Right, I have learned that a woman at work is going to be on the April 4th show next week. I'm definitely going to watch that one! For those of you that are Price fans, I believe Bob Barker's last show will be June 11th - something like that.

Stay safe!

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