Thursday, July 3, 2008

Walk of Shame

Gorgeous evening up here. Nice night for a ride in our recently running VW Bug - convertible! We enjoyed a great evening in a neighboring downtown - dinner, sitting in a park - just a nice relaxing evening.

On our way home, the bug sputtered a couple of times and Steve was able to get it to a side street. Of course we had just picked it up from the shop this morning, so our first thought was something didn't get fixed. Until we realized that the gas gauge was low. It wasn't on empty by any means, but the car is 30 years old and if it doesn't want to read the gas correctly, it doesn't have to.

Serves us right - we decided not to go to the gym and now we were forced to hoof it to the nearest gas station and hope they also sold gas cans. Thankfully we were only 7/10 of a mile from the gas station - and they had a gas can.

After getting the gas and heading back towards the car we passed a few people outside of a restaurant that had seen us walk by earlier. Now with gas in hand, we were doing a version of the "walk of shame". Anyone who saw us had to know what was up with our situation.

We got the car filled up and headed to the gas station for more. We were glad to know we really had just run out of gas. The bug is safely tucked away in the garage now and we've learned our lesson on keeping an eye on the gas.

Neither one of us has run out of gas before. It made us review our cell phones to see who in the area we could call to bail us out. Thankfully we have a few people in mind. This time we were self-sufficient though.

Happy 4th of July!

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