Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Dark Knight

We took in The Dark Knight over the weekend. Yes, we helped Warner Bros. (ever so slightly) hit their $300 million in 10 day record for this movie. I will have to say it was well worth the money we spent to see it. We got extra lucky in that the time we decided to go ended up being the movie shown in the "Monster Screen" theater. It's not an IMAX, but it is much larger than a regular movie screen.

It was a great movie and I would definitely recommend it. It's action packed and the 2.5 hours goes very fast. Heath Ledger is great as the Joker.

There is a very cool ride that Batman has - called the Bat Pod. Basically a motorcycle type contraption. They actually had the Bat Pod at work several months ago. My company has a lot of tie ins with the movie, so we saw the Bat Pod live and in person.

Go see it! 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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