Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cookie Dough Fondue on a Stick

9 years after moving here, we went to our first county fair tonight. Great night for it. It was overcast which kept people away and it was Thursday - also kept people away. We started out by just checking out the sites and sounds of the fair. We then stopped at the 4-H Diner for a little dinner - bbq pork sandwich for me, hamburger for Steve.

We then visited the animal barns and the other exhibits. It was fun seeing all of the animals. I actually heard a cow mooing and a pig oinking - up close and personal. The rabbits were very cute. The chickens and other bird types were ok, but frankly birds freak me out a bit. And no, I've never seen the movie The Birds. Don't think I could see that movie at all!

We ended the evening with dessert. Cookie Dough Fondue on a Stick. 3 disks of chocolate chip cookie dough (chilled) on a stick. They then dipped it into either chocolate or butterscotch - we chose chocolate. They then poured either sprinkles or peanuts over the chocolate. We chose the sprinkles. It was very rich - it was pretty tasty though. Something different. Not sure I'll ever have that again - ever. It was still fun.

We're now back home and I am getting ready to enjoy a day off of work tomorrow. We might take in The Dark Knight - we'll see.

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