Friday, July 10, 2009


I think everyone has fond memories of summer. Lightning bugs, flashlight tag, afternoons at the pool, homemade ice cream. As kids summer means no school, sleeping in, being free to do what you want.

Summer as a 30-something working gal/ student? Work, work, and more work. Throw in studying and taking a class like Financial Accounting and it's not much of a summer break. Thankfully I work for a company that takes advantage of the summer by offering 1/2 day Fridays for longer work days the rest of the week. That does help!

I'm not saying I don't take a bit of a break in the summer. I do try to catch a movie or two, read some light summer reading, and get outside when I can.

This afternoon was one of those days. I saw The Proposal with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock - very cute. Then we took a couple of the dogs to the dog park this evening and enjoyed the nice summer evening. When I got home I went and watered my tomato plants - hoping for more than the 5 that are currently on the plants. We're facing a bit of a drought in our neck of the woods.

There are also the occasional trips in the summer. For the 4th I was in Kentucky for the annual baseball game with the family. That was a lot of fun and it was nice to get away. This year also brings my high school reunion. I won't say how many years, suffice it to say...too many. I'm also looking forward to a visit by my parents, sister, and niece.

So, summer is not all bad as an adult. No evening games of flashlight tag though. I also have stopped catching lightning bugs.

Hope you are having a great summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful puppy!!
I wonder who the owner is and if she is up for adoption.