Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kona Grill

Always looking for new restaurants, we tried Kona Grill this weekend.  The restaurant has been described as Asian Fusion...though really, what restaurant isn't labeled that these days.  Seems to be an overused name.  Anyway, this restaurant actually did seem to be a good fusion of Asian dishes as well as American fare. 

The restaurant is very large and upon entering you either go to the right into the bar area or to the left where the dining area is located.  Many restaurants have trended toward an "open kitchen."  I liked the look that Kona Grill went with which was a semi-open kitchen.  There was a wall with high windows that allowed us to see into the kitchen, but not hear and smell all that was happening.  The far left wall had the sushi bar and some pretty cool modern looking lighting.  The overall feel of the restaurant was similar to one that you'd find in Las Vegas.

We were seated in a booth and quickly perused the menu.  We went with starters of miso soup and edamame.  Edamame is a new found treat that we enjoy sharing.  They usually are served with a nice coating of salt, sometimes a sauce/glaze and always hot.  Kona's version was nicely salted.  The miso soup was a tasty treat of tofu, seaweed, scallions, and broth.  Yes...I used "tasty treat" in a sentence containing tofu and seaweed.  Again, another new found treat. 

For the main entree, we shared a Truffled Steak Flatbread.  In reality it was a pizza because they had run out of their flatbread and wouldn't have it until Monday.  The pizza was fine.  The description on the menu was grilled steak, mozzarella and danish bleu cheese, baby arugula, gourmet mushrooms, caramelized red onion, and white truffle oil.  The hubby who recognizes all things truffle did not taste any of the truffle oil.  The bleu cheese was recognizable though and not overpowering.  The steak was listed first in the description, but I would say it was limited in use.  There were a lot of "gourmet mushrooms" though - that perhaps were used in place of the steak.  The caramelized red onions were very good and added a nice sweet taste to the flatbread/pizza.  Overall the pizza was good, though not quite what I expected.

Kona Grill was good, though a bit on the pricey side.  $2.55 for a glass of Diet Coke is unreasonable.  All in all it was a good experience.  Though with so many other restaurants to try, I doubt we'll make it back to Kona Grill anytime soon.

Happy Eating!

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