Meet Zed - he's the latest addition to the canine population here at The Big H Ranch and Kennel.
Zed is a golden lab mix and is now 13 weeks old. We got him from the humane society after they conducted a "rescue" from a breeder who had over 65 dogs/puppies in not the best conditions.
Zed is doing just fine. We were a little worried after the first night because he was sooo mellow. He's now a normal puppy with LOTS of energy!
Today was a big day for him. After a week of quarantine from the "elder statesmen", he met Winston and Moe for the first time up close. Z man was very interested in his big brothers. They were less so. They tolerated him well though and I think they'll co-exist just fine.
As you can tell from the pictures of Zed and the one on the right of Winston and Moe, he's a good mix between the two. I think he's got the eyes of Winston and of course the coloring. However, he's a lab like Moe so has some of his characteristics too. We'll see how big he'll get. The vet's best guess was maybe around 40 pounds. If so, he'll be a bit smaller than the other 2 dogs.
This is my first experience having a puppy in the house - it's quite a bit of work! Thankfully Steve is our resident dog expert and has quite a bit of patience.
He is SOOOO cute! Is he named for the Pulp Fiction quote?
hmmmm...not that I'm aware of - interesting though!
He is very cute...however I was slow to show him to Krista because she would start up with the "I want a puppy" speech:) I did finally show her though and she agreed he's very cute
Zed is quite the puppy and is so cute. Makes us want to get a puppy.
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