Leap year confuses the situation a bit since I fell on a Friday and I'm celebrating (or remembering) the one year anniversary of my ankle break on a Sunday.
But, I've made it a year! The doctor had said the swelling and stiffness could continue up until about a year. He sure was right. I'd say after about month 11 the swelling was much improved. It is only occasionally swollen now and mainly after I've been on my feet all day and have had a bit of a heel on my shoes.
In another few days (on the anniversary of my surgery), I'll be given the green light to remove the hardware from my ankle. I don't have any plans to do that anytime too soon, but will keep it in mind as an option. If I'm going to do it, I don't want to wait years either. We'll see. I think I have enough going on with classes, work and the new puppy to not add another thing onto that!
Thanks for all of your support over the last year!
I can't believe it's been a year already although it probably feels like it's been that long to you. Chad was reminding me that Beau died 1 year ago this Wednesday:( I do remember that all happening in the same week!
That's right - it was a bit of a nutty week!
It's unbelieveable that it has been a year already! It was a very difficult time knowing that you were hurt so seriously and that we couldn't do anything about it being so far away.
I do remember that Steve did a wonderful job taking care of you! Kudo's to him.
It's hard to get used to the idea of having metal in your ankle.
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