The day has finally arrived....the taping of the last Price is Right with Bob Barker. I heard people on the radio talking about it throughout the day. Seriously - anyone who grew up in the 70's and 80's has to feel a little sad that the Bob Barker era has come to a close. I only wish I had Tivo to capture the airing of the final episode on June 15th. However, never fear - they will be rerunning the last show in primetime that evening right before the Daytime Emmy Awards.
In other news....
I made it out to Phoenix over the weekend to visit my friends Jenni and Beth. I found out that I could really say anything I want about Jenni on this blog because she doesn't read it. Beth on the otherhand is a faithful reader - that makes about 3 or 4 of you! Anyway, the trip was a blast - very relaxing and great to get away. I may have to move there though - my ankle didn't hurt as much and my hair loved the low humidity. I didn't even mind that it was around 100 degrees.
The plane ride was a little iffy. The change in air pressure did a number on my ankle. On the way there the flight attendant gave me an ice bag - plus I took a Vicodin. On the way back I just took the Vicodin when I boarded the flight and was set for the trip. They showed movies on these flights and I saw Wild Hogs - cute movie with a number of laugh out loud parts. :)
Just for those of you who wonder, there really is some science behind people with broken bones, joint problems and the weather. I found the aches and pain index on the internet. Check it out!
1 comment:
I am a firm believer in the idea that people with broken bones and joint problems notice changes in weather faster....I most certainly do. I also know for a fact that you can tell when there are major weather changes coming by working with a group of elementary aged children right before a front comes through!
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