This morning's commute took about 40 minutes - that's about the best I can hope for given that I live about 30 miles from work.
Tonight's commute home took about 70 minutes! Why you might ask? Who knows, could it be the blue sky distracting drivers, causing them to slow way down? Maybe it's the big orange orb in the sky that we miss seeing in the dead of winter. Or could it be everyone is amazed to see their car thermometer start with a 9 - yes it's been in the 90's all week!
I've had better commutes when it's snowing. But forget about it if it rains - no one knows how to drive in the rain. Even when it sprinkles people suddenly worry about hydroplaning. So, when it rains, driving stinks, when it's sunny, driving can stink, no rhyme or reason to it all.
I mean this in the best sense possible, but when you get stuck in traffic in seemingly fine weather you almost hope to see some car out of the race to at least explain why we're going 20 miles (at most) an hour. (This is on a highway that has posted speeds of 55.) Tonight there were no cars off to the side, no emergency vehicles in sight...just slow, slow traffic.
OK - get over it right? That's the nice thing about this blog. I can vent and feel better. You can choose to read this or you can choose to surf to some other blog. Thanks for sticking around though.
Lastly - a friendly reminder to watch or tape The Price is Right tomorrow - it's Bob's last day!
1 comment:
Wow! I can really feel the road rage! Hope that doesn't happen often. At least you vented it.
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