Friday, March 5, 2010

The Lexington

The hubby and I have been on a tour of "old school supper clubs/ insitutions" of the cities.  Our latest stop landed us at The Lexington.  The Lexington opened in 1935 and while their website touts "more than eighty very good years," they either are missing a few years of history on the website or their math is off.  I'm not a math major, but I believe they've been around for 75 years.  But why quibble...they've been around a long time!

We walked into the restaurant and enjoyed the warmth and coziness of the atmosphere.  It was not a modern looking restaurant, but one that you could picture a number of 3-martini lunches back in the day. 

We each ordered our drink of choice, me - red wine, the hubby - a side car.  We then reviewed the menu and each decided on a house specialty.  I went with the Walleye Almondine and he went with the Chicken Pot Pie. 

We started with salads.  He went with the classic caesar which he claimed was the best he's had in ages.  I went with the Lexington salad which was topped with their signature "lexington dressing."  The vegetables were crisp and fresh and were a great start to the meal.

Our entrees came out soon after we finished our salad.  My dish was fabulous.  The walleye was flaky and soft while the almonds were crisp which created a nice texture balance.   The asparagus was heavily sauteed in butter which of course made it taste amazing!  My starch was a baked potato.  They had a waiter stop by with toppings for my potato which was a nice touch, but in the hurry to cut open the potato to have him add the toppings, I didn't get the butter on until after the topping - made for an awkward potato.  The potato was by far the disappointment of the meal, but it was just a potato.  I wasn't expecting "wow." 

The hubby's entree came out and looked awesome.  The pot pie crust was heaping over the dish.  The waitress asked if he wanted her to flip it over for him.  She then did her thing and the result was a tasty chicken pot pie.  Well, I will have to assume it was tasty since when I asked for a bite I was given the "no go."  Oh well, my meal was also wonderful.

The wait staff seemed to be on the top of their game.  They knew exactly what to do and when to do it.  Not too bothersome, but helpful.

The Lexington was a great stop on our "old school" tour.  We will definitely go back!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a negative Ghost Rider, the pot pie pattern was full!