Zed has taken a liking to exploring the pond in front of our yard. I think he gets thirsty and heads to the pond for relief. Before you think we're poor owners and don't provide water for the pooch, please know that one of Zed's tricks is to carry around the water dish (with water in it). He ends up splashing much of it out and we find the bowl randomly around the yard.
This is a picture of him last night after a visit. Note the mud streak down the head. He's normally such a cute dog.
Today I fell victim to the swamp dog. Beautiful morning, thought I'd walk to the mailbox to get yesterday's junk mail. Zed decided to greet me before I got too far. I returned sans mail, but with a muddy mark on my clean shorts, mud from a tail splashed across my leg and mud drips on the white socks/shoes. Ahh....puppies!
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