Sunday, February 10, 2008

5 More Weeks of Winter - Supposedly

There should be 5 more weeks of winter left. It has been a cold winter and doesn't seem to be letting up at all. Today it didn't get above 0 and the wind chills were dangerously low. Needless to say I avoided being outdoors as best as I could. It sure gets old - this winter stuff. Tomorrow we're supposed to get a couple of inches of snow. Gotta love it! Definitely the worst winter in the 8.5 years of living up here.

Nothing too exciting happening up here other than the weather report. My life seems to be consisting of work, classes, studying, repeat. You know it's bad when I haven't been to a movie in a month! I was averaging 1 a week for awhile. I think the last movie I saw was The Bucket List back in the beginning of January.

There are some Oscar nominated movies that I haven't seen. I always try to at least see all of the movies up for Best Picture. This year I've seen 2 of the 5. No Country for Old Men and Atonement. I do want to see Juno, Michael Clayton and There Will be Blood. Maybe next weekend I'll get to a movie.

Out of the two Best Picture nominees I've seen, No Country for Old Men has my vote over Atonement. Atonement was overrated. NCFOM was pretty intense and isn't a movie I would necessarily recommend to people - although it was well done and deserves some awards. Just pretty creepy. Javier Bardem is awesome in it and definitely deserves Best Supporting Actor.

Check back next week and I'll let you know if I get to a movie and what I think.

Stay warm!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Heads... or tails?