Monday, December 24, 2007

Review: Drew Carey on The Price is Right

Now that I finally have some time off work for the holidays, the first order of business was to watch TPIR with the new host - Drew Carey.

I sat down today and watched the "Christmas Eve" show. I actually like Drew Carey for the most part. I liked watching "The Drew Carey Show" when it used to be on tv. However, after one episode I can definitively proclaim - he's just not Bob. He seemed rather dry and didn't show much emotion either way when the contestant won or lost. He seemed rather awkward much of the time. He did show some life when 2 of the 3 contestants in the first wheel spin got $1,000. That was about it. He's just missing the Barker charisma.

Given that I'm off of work all week though, I will give him another couple of viewings and will let you know if my opinion changes.

I still can get rather excited about the showcase showdown - with or without Bob. Today was sad - both contestants overbid. One of the guys had a fairly specific dollar amount. When it was all said and done he was over by only $74. Sadly that and $1.25 will buy him a cup of coffee.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!


Anonymous said...

The kids and I were just commenting this morning that Drew Carey just isn't Bob Barker. We still like the show though.

Anonymous said...

What delightful canines.

Anonymous said...

Hello? Bueller?

Anonymous said...

Posting frequency has definitely red shifted.