After a month off of work recovering from this broken ankle, I went back today. I worked about 5 hours and I was worn out! My mom had warned me that I would be tired. She was right! My mom had double knee replacement a few years back and she said it was good getting back to work, but she would go home at the end of the day and crash. Mother does know best!
All in all being back at work was fine. My supervisor had arranged for someone to come to my desk and help me get situated with something to rest my foot on and to make sure my chair was set up properly, etc. That was a great help! People were also very helpful - getting me a soda for lunch, carrying things for me, etc.
I got caught up with everyone in the department and started sifting through my emails. I can tell I've lost a few brain cells staring at the tv - I called a "manila" envelope a "vanilla" envelope. I just have to get back in the office groove again. Maybe I need to watch Office Space again! (Have I mentioned how funny I think that movie is?)
The nice thing is that I have all day tomorrow to recover. I'll be back at work on Thursday for another 5 hours and then back full-time next week.
Miscellaneous Items:
Ohio State let me down last night! I ended up in 8th place after they lost. No winnings for me. Out of the 18 people in the tournament pool, 6 were female, 12 were male. All of the women were in the top 10 in the standings and the top 3 (the ones who win something) were women. :)
Price is Right Watch - tomorrow I know someone who is supposed to be on Price. Her name is Ann - she's a brunette. Cheer her on if you can!
1 comment:
Appreciate all the nice things that office people did - let them keep on...
Great that you only have 2 half days of work!
"Mother Knows Best"
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