- Evenings free
- Weekends free of studying
- Time to volunteer - I would like it to involve senior citizens - any ideas?
- More time to exercise/ get healthy
- Reading for pleasure
- TV/Movie watching without guilt
- Dinner with friends
One thing I know for sure....2 Bachelor's degrees and 1 Master's degree is enough for me. No PhD in my future! I used to wonder about "career students" and then I became one. "sigh" The next class I take will be for pure enjoyment...maybe piano lessons or a language class.
Maybe I'll also come up with a theme for Debbie's Discourse. It's been a struggle lately. It's become a dog discourse and while the dogs are cute and all. There is only so much to say about them.
If I'm not back on for the next 44 days or so, you'll know why. If perhaps I do post something before then...you'll know I'm procrastinating!