Friday, October 19, 2007

Miscellaneous Musings

It's been a week of Drew Carey on Price. I've heard mixed reviews on him. I haven't had a chance to watch it, but I did catch a clip of a gal playing Plinko on You Tube. The downside to You Tube is that when I do venture to that site, I end up wasting way too much time surfing the videos. One night I was all about looking up various old videos - many Olivia Newton-John clips!

Work has been crazy busy and therefore this site has fallen down on the list of what I can keep up with. The good news is that it's higher than even cleaning my house. The bad news is that it's higher than even cleaning my house. ;) I'll be going in to work this weekend as well.

My little guy Eric in Arizona injured his right foot last weekend at a birthday party. He too has his foot in a splint. Poor little guy. He gets to use a wheelchair for a couple of weeks, so I would guess he's the hit of the preschool.

Oh - I did manage to run a little bit last week on my "bionic" ankle. Ok, so I was on the treadmill and ran twice for a minute and a half each time for a total of 3 minutes.

Either it's Friday night and my humor is slightly warped from lack of sleep or this was funny. Steve was just talking to our dog Moe and he used the word "traverse" in his conversation. Totally sure Moe understood that! As I saw once in a card, a dog hears..."blah, blah, blah, blah, Moe, blah, blah, blah, Moe."

One last thing - Fantasy Football seems to be a bust this year for me. I'm 0-6. I'm having fun with it though. My dad's not doing any better in the league either. Thankfully for him, he's in a couple of leagues and he's won in the other one. Alas, I'm not. I'm still having fun though.

Hope all is well!

Monday, October 8, 2007

45 Down, 5 to go

Check out my map. All states in red are ones I've been to. Check out the following site to create your own map.

I added both Louisiana and Mississippi yesterday. I drove from Houston across Louisiana to Gulfport, Mississippi and then back to New Orleans and ended in Baton Rouge for the evening. I hit Gulfport right as the sun was setting. I dipped my feet into the Gulf of Mexico briefly and then hopped back in the car to continue my 9 hour day of driving.

One thing that was quite clear is that Katrina was quite the bitch. Driving along I-90 through Mississippi back to New Orleans was quite the site. You could tell that they still had uninhabitable housing and destruction still around. I was seeing most of this in the dark and you could still tell the destruction.

I'm glad I got those 2 states checked off of my list. I can't imagine that I'll be going back to those states anytime soon. I had my fill in the short time I was there. :)